Saturday 10th March 2018
Launching #Myspeculaasrecipe at Instagram and Twitter as a new community hashtag for vandotsch speculaas spice bakers.
Creating a dedicated community of speculaas spice bakers that would like to show their vandotsch speculaas spice mix infused bakes, cakes and biscuits using the hashtags #Myspeculaasrecipe.
Tuesday 6th March 2018
I dedicated most of February to developing the new website that has a number of benefits I’d like to share with you . . . Let me know what you think.
To celebrate the launch of the new website, I am offering 25% off our iconic orange windmill cutter and vandotsch speculaas spice pack.
This website is Copyright 2021 The Speculaas Spice Company. All Rights Reserved.